Thursday, February 13, 2014

Collaborative Blogging

Collaborative Blogging: For my curation, I decided to look at some well known group blogs. Pop culture's tendency to fixate on certain things is an important aspect of my research this semester and I feel that the blogs I've chosen to spot light showcase either awe or spectacle in some way. Collaborative blogging is quickly growing in popularity and has some produced some really awe-some projects.
The Anti-Austen: To begin, a blog that directly relates to my area of study, and one most BYU females are aware of. The Anti-Austen is a group blog where anonymous females post about their experiences in the Provo dating scene along side their desire to meet the modern Mr. Darcys and Mr. Knightleys. This blog has developed a cult-like following among YSA females.

Brevity: This blog serves as a kind of "idea forum" for Brevity's magazine, a magazine which publishes short essays from up-and-coming authors. On this blog, people are invited to subscribe and post, almost as a precursor to publishing in the actual magazine. This blog serves as a community for those interested in creative non-fiction writing.

Six Sisters' Stuff: This blog is a hugely popular "mormon mommy blog" run by a family of six sisters. They post recipes mostly, and have become one of the most popular food blogs out there. Proof that blogs designed for personal and familial purposes can become pop culture phenomenons.
 Noisy Pilgrims: This blog is a photo blog designed around India. Six collaborators submit photos from their experiences in India. The photography itself is enough to inspire awe!

Peanut Butter on the Keyboard: This group blog features six moms/fiction writers. They collaborate together to discuss motherhood, writing, and other various topics. This is kind of spectacular to me because it shows that there is space online for anyone and everyone to connect!

Overexposed + Underdeveloped: 10 friends connecting through photography. A really cool alternative to the classic "mormon mommy" blog, if you're not really into that kind of thing. Beautiful pictures and fresh ideas.

Spilled Milk: Another mommy blog (see the trend?), though this is a photography blog run by 14 mothers from around the world. Is it weird or cool that we are naturally drawn to following peoples' lives like this? I mean, it sounds incredibly boring, to follow a blog that just posts someone's personal photos, but follow we do.

Just Me and My Dad: This blog features a weekly picture from Claire and her dad. It's simple, it's personal, and it's fascinating. I couldn't stop looking because I loved the stories in the photos, and the amazing connections happening digitally. If the ability to connect continually with a family member through photography and the internet isn't awe-inspiring, what is? (If nothing else, read the about page, it is wonderful)

Maybe collaborative blogs aren't awe-inspiring in all aspects, but blogs in general are such an exciting development in the world of text and writing. I think collaborative blogs add another dimension of awe because they represent creation within a community, and the possibility of connections that have never been possible before. Do you have any favorite blogs that you follow? Do you prefer collaborative or individual blogs?

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