Saturday, January 25, 2014

Whoah Books

Disclaimer: to the best of my recollection and not in any particular order:

1. Stargirl, Jerry Spinelli - because it's okay to be weird and that's beautiful

2. The Help, Kathryn Stockett - the different points of view and the stunning comments about the South

3. Handle with Care, Jodi Picoult (or rather anything written by her) - just because I love her as a writer. And the moral issues that she makes you front in every single book - makes you readdress what is right and wrong.

4. Atonement, Ian McEwan - what is real and what is not real? War and love and the important stuff. The ending of the book.

5. Wit, Margaret Edson - it's so personal and real. It makes you face death up close and person.

6. "The Tell Tale Heart," Edgar Allan Poe - or anything by Poe because it's so shocking and horrifying yet beautiful.

7. Corrie Ten Boom - that one book she wrote about her time in a concentration camp in the Holocaust and seeing kindness even in the middle of so much evil.

8. Wuthering Heights, Emily Bronte - love, darkness, and sophisticated chick flick that doesn't have a happy ending - that's rare.

9. "The Yellow Paper," Charlotte Perkins Gilman - because we're all a little crazy sometimes and it's so real.

10. "Good Country People," Flannery O'Connor - it's gothic southern literature. It's horrifying and shows the dark and weird side of the South.

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