Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Austen: Vetting my Venue

In preparation for submitting to JASNA's Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, I read the following two articles:
  • Lenckos, Elizabeth. "From Sublime Abbey to Picturesque Parsonage: The Aesthetics of   Northanger Abbey and The Mysteries of Udolpho." Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal. No. 32. 105-114: 2010.
  • Bander, Elaine. "Neither Sex, Money, nor Power: Why Elizabeth Finally Says "Yes!'" Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal. No. 34. 25-41: 2012.
Sponsoring Organization
Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal is sponsored by the Jane Austen Society of North America

Call for Papers
This link will take you to the page where they give instructions on how to submit papers. On another page, they specify that their print journal is published in June, and their online journal in December. I have not found a specific date they require submissions, so hopefully mine would be in time for the June publication. submission instructions

My topic is appropriate for this venue because it specifically interacts with Austen's texts and provides new insights to the reading of those texts. The two papers I read dealt with specific Austen texts and interpretations of those texts.

They ask for papers to be between 2,000-3,500 words. My paper will come out right at the maximum.

They ask for papers to be formatted in MLA style, with in-text parenthetical citations. Fortunately, that is how I've been formatting my paper.

Tone and Rhetorical Approach
All of the papers I've read from this publication are very scholarly. They are research based and maintain very professional tones. They also frequently refer to other scholars and general ideas in the world of Austen scholarship.

Social Media
I haven't had much luck finding hashtags used by JASNA. They do have a Facebook page but it is mostly just links to their website. I have a feeling most of the Jane Austen scholarly community is "less-active" on digital media.
I posted on a Jane Austen community on Google Plus, mentioning that I would be submitting to JASNA. Hopefully I get some comments there.

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