Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Awe Paper - Coming Full Cycle

I'm doing my final post a bit differently... I was using this table of contents as just a draft in Blogger to get quick access to previous posts, so I expanded it as my wrap up post to show how my paper came to be. Under the readmore I have organized a list of links to my previous posts with a brief explanation of what that post entails. It helped me see what posts were for my final paper, final project, and what had my curated content.

To read my finished product, "The Cycle of Awe" paper is here in a Google doc. Since my confirmed venue is 100 Dubliners, my paper will definitely be revised in the next couple months as I get more information on specific requirements for the conference (length especially, with more emphasis on Dubliners and cutting back my other paragraphs). Any suggestions would be great! But I am very happy with how this turned out for class, and did not want to chop down all my research when it had been so much fun putting together. Enjoy! And thanks for the help this semester. It was definitely the capstone to my BYU education.

Exploring Awe Posts (where I explore awe in different avenues)
1. Impossibility Behind Music talks about awe in music, including a playlist I curated of awe inspiring music. Fun fact: thinking about repeating motifs in songs is what initially made me think of repeating awe or reiterating awe. Why do the motifs in songs make me feel awe-some? (posted Jan 17th)
2. Ten Awes talks about ten sources that inspired awe for me and what particularly about each source effectively transmitted or created that awe. (posted Jan 27th)
3. Catching Me where I parody Catcher in the Rye to try and emulate what the awe was for me when I read this book. Even by parodying Catcher in the Rye, I was returning to the source (the book) and recycling it in my own parody format. Kind of like returning to the source of awe and making it my own. (posted Jan 29th)
4. Listening to Awe where I take apart the elements of listening to awe and combine it with the other senses. This analysis was directed towards earlier ideas of my paper when I would be discussing the senses as part of the formula of awe. My paper topic has since moved away from this idea. (posted Feb 14th)
5. Being an Altruistic Scholar for Janae  where I researched awe in food and curated some information for Janae's research. (posted Feb 17th)
6. Propaganda where I talk about how propaganda is a quick and easy way to promote an idea. I also mention how we cycle back to these methods because they are effective means of promoting an idea or even awe, but this type of cycle I didn't fully explore in my final paper. Did keep me thinking about cycles of awe though. (posted March 4th)

Final Paper (early ideas)
1. Elements of Awe is where I tried to make a basic formula for awe. We start off with the idea itself sparking awe, then the senses help us to experience the awe, then the combination of ideas and senses creates a new level of awe experience. (posted Jan 27th)
2. Reiterating Awe is where I think of awe in tiers, and think of it in terms of nostalgia and how we are both consciously and subconsciously seeking and prepare to experience awe. Lots of social proof and curated content in this post from peers in class, which was very helpful in developing my ideas of coming back to the sources of awe for some reason. (posted Jan 30th)
3. Reiterating Awe (Presentation) is the pecha kucha assignment where I had my first outline of what I would study for my paper, essentially. (posted Feb 8th)

Final Paper (later developed ideas)
1. Humility in Awe essentially, this post is what spurred most of my new ideas on my final paper topic. Talks about Dubliners and the awe in "The Dead." (posted Feb 19th)
2. Psychoanalyzing Awe this and the previous post were the two posts that started my new ideas for my final paper. Talks about the psychology of awe and how it works in the conscious and subconscious desires to find awe. My English 251 class discussed psychoanalysis theory and I had a saved handout explaining all these aspects. So that helped me explain it here and put it into terms of awe. (posted Feb 26th)
3. Cycles of Awe Treatment where I have a link to an extensive outline for what I want to do with my final paper. Also includes five links to possible venues (see subheading Venues). (posted March 16th)
4. Cycles of Awe - Paper and Project Final Updates where I link my complete draft for my final paper and discuss the next steps of my final project. +Janae Rivera was very patient and kind to give lots of feedback on my ideas and paper both inside and outside of class, through the class blog and Google+ discussions. (posted April 7th)
5. Developing Awe - Coming Full Cycle (this post) is where I link to my final paper for the class, link to a second rough draft (under Posts by Others/Random subheading), and talk about what is to come with my paper as I continue to develop it for the 100 Dubliners conference.

1. Cycles of Awe Bibliography where I have a list of eleven sources for my final paper. (posted March 30th)

1. Venues for Me is my first list of possible venues to submit my final paper. (posted March 7th)
2. Cycles of Awe Treatment where I have a link to an extensive outline for what I want to do with my final paper (see subheading Final Paper [later developed ideas]). Also includes five links to possible venues. (posted March 16th)
3. Cycles of Awe Audiences where I discuss places I can get social proof and have picked my top three venues for my final paper. (posted March 30th)
4. Cycles of Awe Social Proof where I get social proof from enthusiasts and experts. I did get responses from all these sources, and it was very helpful to me to hear their thoughts on my developing thesis. They all supported the ideas, believing they were valid, and gave suggested sources to further prove my theory of cycles in awe. (posted April 1st)
5. Cycles of Awe - Venue Research where I research the 100 Dubliners conference (which I got into and plan on attending!!!!) and mention other venues to be further researched. (posted April 9th)

Creative Project
1. Project Prototype One where I posted my initial ideas on what to do with my creative project. (posted March 12th)
2. Cycles in Awe Project: Prototype Two where I posted my first poem for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. (posted March 19th)
3. Cycles of Awe Project: Prototype Three where I have my completed three poems and look to publish them on a personal blog and Google+ to gain some interest. (posted March 30th)
4. Cycles of Awe - Paper and Project Final Updates where I link my complete draft for my final paper and discuss the next steps of my final project. (posted April 7th)

Posts by Others/Random
1. Void and Awe is a post by Juliet about how/why people re-experience awe when rereading a book or revisiting awe-inspiring material in different forms. Maybe we seek to revisit the same sources of awe because there is a void we're trying to fill, and going to a place that stirred awe in the first place may be a safe choice. (why Peter Pan returns to Neverland, why Alice returns to Wonderland)
2. This I Read was a Google+ update where I listed all the things I remembered reading for my English classes during my college experience. This ultimately lead to my Dubliners post (Humility in Awe under Final Paper heading above) which lead to awe and epiphany which lead to my final paper and chosen venue 100 Dubliners. Without prior knowledge and learning on James Joyce and his book, I think I would have only focused on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Peter Pan which were both books I haven't read for college purposes. Goes to show how my previous classes did help me in this capstone course.
3. James Joyce Discussion and Children's Books Discussion on Google+ generated feedback and discussion from a couple people. I was really surprised to get responses, since previous attempts for social proof in previous classes never seemed to go as well. I guess after learning how to get social proof, being persistent, and having a little faith in others, it worked out really well this semester. I'm glad to have received plenty of feedback from peers, enthusiasts, and scholars. It just made the entire process of thinking about and writing my paper that much more exciting.
4. Rough Draft In Process Second Version is a Google Doc for the second draft of my paper. Here I have subheadings to help clarify the points I make in my paper. It is a more developed draft than my first, though still incomplete.

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