Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Two querys, by Andrew, on the project and the paper

Two letters:

Sent: A letter to Seth, who works at Mayday Games game company.

Hello Seth:
My name is Andrew Perazzo, and I am currently in a class with Tara Pope (you know her as Pope; that's her maiden name).  Your brother was her seminary teacher, which is how she knows you.
In our class, my classmates and I are creating our final projects.  Because inventing tabletop games is my hobby and passion, I am creating one as my final project.  Tara and many others in my class are interested in my game and want to see it succeed, and Tara and others suggested I try to publish it.
I am contacting you to hopefully start going through the process of getting this game published.  A URL to a short video of me explaining my game is below. (It will go to Facebook, which is where the video is embedded . . . I'm not sure how to change that.)
Please e-mail me with any questions, comments, or concerns, at  Also, my personal cell-phone number is (801) 358-9304.  I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Andrew G. Perazzo

A letter to Brandon Sanderson:

Brandon Sanderson:
Hello, my name is Andrew Perazzo and I am currently an undergrad senior here at BYU.  For my capstone English class, one of my final assignments is to write a research paper about a topic of our choosing as it relates to awe.
I have chosen you and your Cosmere books to be the topic of my final paper.  My paper focuses on how your unique writing style and form produce a unique type of awe that adds on the already inherent awe in the genre of fantasy and hard fantasy.
In an effort to obtain social proof for my paper, and in an attempt to reach out to experts on my subject, I am e-mailing you wondering if you had the time to look over my paper and give me any feedback.
Sincerely, Andrew G. Perazzo

However, since it might take months to hear back from him (according to his website), I am waiting until I have a full version of my paper, even if it's just a rough one, so that he can respond to all of it in one fell swoop.  If he gets back to me at all (okay, he responds to all email he receives but like I said it might be a couple months).

No word back yet.

This is my report.

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