Thursday, April 3, 2014

Iteration of Pragmatism/Awe Dance

Mary and I outlined the rest of the dance tonight, and did a little clip of each of our parts. Of course, watching a dance is much more accessible than reading a scholarly paper, so I think the dance is generating interest in my ideas among a wider audience. I plan on filming the dance next week; I'll do one version with a voiceover that will narrate ties to my paper, and one version that stands alone with just the music. Thoughts?

Dance Sequence

Jane in chair
Mary comes in travelling around Jane—flow-y triplet jump sequence (3x)
On the third sequence, Mary falls to the ground into preconceived floor pose, then into a slide on the ground + more ground movement
Mary puts hand on Jane’s shoulder and pulls Jane
Jane reacts monotone
Mary more ethereal movements around Jane, then pushes Jane down
Jane’s arms come forward (robotically?)
Repeat Mary dancing, Jane monotone
Mary faces back, does minimal awe-ish movement

Jane falls out of chair and into vinyasa
Jane does 2 surya namaskars a

Mary joins Jane for third sun salutation

Jane and Mary into grounded awe duet

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